IBIS Macromodel Task Group Meeting date: 30 April 2024 Members (asterisk for those attending): Achronix Semiconductor: Hansel Dsilva Amazon: John Yan ANSYS: Curtis Clark * Wei-hsing Huang Aurora System: Dian Yang Raj Raghuram Cadence Design Systems: * Ambrish Varma * Jared James Dassault Systemes: Longfei Bai Google: Hanfeng Wang GaWon Kim Intel: * Michael Mirmak Kinger Cai Chi-te Chen Liwei Zhao Alaeddin Aydiner Keysight Technologies: Fangyi Rao Majid Ahadi Dolatsara Stephen Slater Ming Yan Rui Yang Marvell: Steve Parker Mathworks (SiSoft): Walter Katz Graham Kus Micron Technology: Justin Butterfield Missouri S&T: Chulsoon Hwang Yifan Ding Zhiping Yang Rivos: Yansheng Wang SAE ITC: Michael McNair Siemens EDA (Mentor): * Arpad Muranyi * Randy Wolff Teraspeed Labs: [Bob Ross] Zuken USA: Lance Wang The meeting was led by Arpad Muranyi. Ambrish Varma took the minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opens: - Arpad noted that we are meeting after a hiatus of 2 weeks due to lighter agenda. - Michael Mirmak noted that he would not be available for next week. ------------- Review of ARs: - No ARs recorded last meeting. -------------------------- Call for patent disclosure: - None. ------------------------- Review of Meeting Minutes: Arpad asked for any comments or corrections to the minutes of the April 09th meeting. Michael moved to approve the minutes. Ambrish seconded the motion. There were no objections. -------------- New Discussion: Michael mentioned that there are no updates to the [Clock Pins] document. Could be mid-May for BIRD to be ready. Adding a Definitions Section to IBIS (BIRD 230): Michael shared the edits to this BIRD (will be sent out as 230.1) There will be a new subsection to section 3 in the IBIS specification. Any reference to a new section is removed. Arpad asked why only definitions for Algorithmic Modeling? After all terms like PAM and NRZ could be referred in other sections of IBIS. Michael noted that all the terms referenced in this section are for section 10 of the specification. Arpad mentioned that some terms may become general over time. Michael said he will remove the reference to Algorithmic Modeling in the title of the section. Instead, he will mention that certain terms are used in context specific to AMI. Randy and Ambrish chimed in with similar suggestions. Michael moved to send the revised document to the Open Forum. Arpad seconded the motion. Open Discussion about the next version of IBIS: Michael wondered which would be the next version of IBIS - 7.3 or 8.0? The Power Integrity changes along with the Test Data BIRD are large enough for their own revisions. Other changes can be summed up in another minor revision. Arpad wondered if we should keep all the changes together in 1 major release or break them in multiple releases. Randy mentioned that IBIS 7.2 and earlier minor revs had major changes and noted that we shouldn't have major features in minor releases as it is a major cost for parser updates. Member company pay for major releases only - so all large changes should go in major releases only. Amount of time and effort it takes to come up with a revision is significant and it may not be worth it to break the releases in 2 versions. The group generally agreed with Randy and wondered whether we should recommend to the Open Forum that 1 major release is necessary and sufficient for the various changes that are accepted for the next release. Arpad requested Michael to prepare a list of all changes and categorize them according to the amount of change to the spec and degree of parser changes required. This list would be shared with the Open Forum. Arpad mentioned that there is light agenda for the next meeting and moved to cancel next week. Michael seconded. We will meet in 2 weeks. - Michael: Motion to adjourn. - Jared: Second. - Arpad: Thank you all for joining. New ARs: Michael send out new revision to BIRD 230 to Open Forum. Michael prepare a list of all changes for the next IBIS version and share with Open Forum ------------- Next meeting: 14 May 2024 12:00pm PT ------------- IBIS Interconnect SPICE Wish List: 1) Simulator directives